Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Invite Overload

Now that I have the dress checked off my list of to-dos, the next big tasks to tackle are the invites and save-the-dates. I originally thought that I absolutely did not want to do save-the-dates. This was back when I was in the land of "super simple, super small." I figured that most people would find out by word of mouth anyway...why waste money on postage and paper? Well, I've reconsidered. Due to the fact that we're having the wedding right smack in the middle of super-busy summertime, and that we're having TWO receptions...we decided that save-the-dates would be a good idea.

This has added pressure to the invite decision-making. I want them to coordinate (surprise) so I need to start picking things out and narrowing things down. This is one aspect of the wedding that I get REALLY geeked up about. I mean, I luuurve paper crafts. While I've been swimming in a sea of invite options for some time now, I've known two things all along:
1.) I want them to be super-creative and crafty
2.) I want to do them myself. I know, I'm crazy...but I really want to. The thought of paying someone money to do something that I dream about at night seems crazy to me. So here we go. Let's do this.

I've had TONS of ideas. I change my mind daily. I'm pretty sure Augusto is gonna kill me if he hears, "okay babe, I've finally decided what I want to do for our invites" one more time. I've only said it about a million times. He smiles and nods like the good man that he is, and claims to like every idea I present to him. I think I'll keep him.

Not only have I had a million ideas...some of them have been crazy. I thought that I wanted to painstakingly craft pop-up invitations for about a week. I had to back away from that idea and remind myself that I'm not 12 years old. I also wanted to use recycled CD cases in place of pocketfolds for a while. Other crazy ideas I've had: letterpressing them myself, using handmade japanese paper, rolled-up poster-sized invites...the list goes on and on.

All of that craziness just to say...I think I've finally made a decision. And I feel good about it. I don't want to give too much away but I will say that there will be a sewing machine involved.

I die. It's almost too crafty to be true. Fingers crossed that the invitations of my dreams will come true. Stay tuned...

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Dreamy Dress

It's a cold and rainy day here in Boston...the kind that makes you want to curl up on the couch in your zipfront rope and watch movies. Since I couldn't do that I brought my slippers to work and put them on as soon as I got here. No one knows and my toes are warm. I'm happy.

So what's going on in my wedding world? I'm so glad you asked! We've decided to invite EVERYONE to the ceremony in Georgia (no pressure to my out-of-town peeps) and have a reception in Mass. when we get back from the honeymoon. It took me a while to let go of my super-simple private wedding idea but I finally did. We thought we were doing everyone a favor by saving them the hassle but we soon learned that people might actually want to see us get married. Who knew? So we're doing it.

My fabulous idea to get a really simple dress (think short bridesmaid's dress in a light color) went out the door with the private wedding. Here's the story of THE DRESS of my dreams:

I did some dress shopping when my parents were here to visit because I wanted to have that experience with my mom and future-mother-in-law. I chose a place here in Boston that specializes in "bridal alternative" and I thought it would be perfect, since I was planning on getting something super simple. I looked online at the dresses they carried and went to the appointment with a few in mind. I hated all of them. The only one that I sort of liked was a strapless dress with a sweetheart neckline that the consultant insisted I try on, even though I didn't think I would like strapless. It was SUPER simple. I've had the idea for some time that I want to incorporate one of my grandmother's brooches into a sash that my wonderful aunt agreed to make for me. This dress seemed like it would look good with a sash and it was by far the most flattering dress that I tried on...but I didn't love it by any stretch of the imagination. I remember standing in the dressing room alone, looking at the dress and thinking, "I don't really care...let's just find one that I don't hate and move on." Wow. Good attitude for dress shopping, huh?

So I'd had that dress in my mind for some time. I had pretty much decided that I'd just get it because the price was right and it's pretty. While at work one day, my fabulous secretary Shannon put her foot down and said, "Let's look at dresses online. You HAVE to find one you love." I agreed and we looked. If my boss is reading this...we looked after the office closed for the day.

We spent a good chunk of time browsing dresses, sending ones back and forth to each other. It really helped that I had tried on dresses because I knew what looked good and what didn't...and most importantly that I actually could pull off a strapless dress. And then I found it. It was everything I was looking for. Simple. Elegant. Sweet. I sent it to Shannon and she gasped. I knew it was a good sign. I immediately called my mom, had her look at it and I could literally hear the intake of breath and pearl clutch over the phone...she said, "That's it." I called every store that carries the line in the Boston area and found the dress at ONE store about 20 minutes away. I made an appointment. I tried it on. I fell in love more. I even cried a little bit.

The best part of the story? Hold on to your panties. When my parents were here, I was browsing the magazine section of a bookstore with my mom. We were flipping through wedding magazines and pointing out things that we liked. I picked up a magazine that struck me and bought it on a whim. I carried it around with me EVERY DAY after that but never really got around to looking at it. The day I found the dress online, I decided to pull it out of my bag and take a peek. Guys...MY DRESS WAS ON THE COVER. Seriously. I almost died. Then I almost cried. It was meant to be.

The dress is mine. I ordered it a couple of days ago. I can't wait to get the call in a few months that it has arrived. Am I silly for getting so excited over something that I will wear for a few hours on one day? I believe so. Am I apologizing for it? Not even a little.

Here's a little sneaky-peek:


Wednesday, November 3, 2010

I'm Back...

I knew it would happen and it did. I neglected you, brand-new baby blog. I loved you soooo much for a couple of days and then, as life got in the way, I forgot to pay you the attention you deserve. I thought about you daily and knew that you wanted me to come visit....but I didn't. This is my promise to you: I will not neglect you again. I will visit and update you a few times a week. I promise. Really. (hugs)

So...I'm back! The reason for this new dedication to my blog? I have LOTS to say these days. By now I'm sure you've all heard the BIG NEWS that Augusto has declared his insanity and asked to be with me forever. I, of course, accepted. This has resulted in new-found left-handedness (I can't stop staring at my sparkly ring) and sleepless nights spent thinking about wedding dresses, invitations, centerpieces, etc.

I spent a couple of weeks in denial about how excited I actually am to plan a wedding. I'm a no-frills kind of girl and I always knew that I wanted a really simple affair...but that doesn't mean that I won't obsess over the details. I just can't help myself. I started out by calling my mom every few days with new updates and saying at least two or three times in the conversation, "I don't really care...whatever you want to do is fine with me." What? Are you kidding me? I DO CARE. For reals. And I'm SUPER excited to plan such an exciting day.

Lucky you blog world...you get to read about my new obsession! I still want this to be avenue for keeping in touch with far-way friends and family. But let's be honest...this is what I'm thinking about these days so this is probably what I'll be posting about most. Are you ready for the ride?
Stay tuned..this is going to be fun.

Next up: learn how a wedding starts out to be a private, very simple celebration with just immediate family and turns into a full-blown affair with a "real" wedding dress and everything.

Much love,

Monday, October 11, 2010

Let's Do This

So here it is...the blog I've been thinking about starting FOREVER. I will admit in advance that I will probably be completely dedicated to my new blog-child for a few months and then forget it exists as life gets in the way. We'll see...I'm gonna give it the old college try. What's the purpose of said blog-child you ask? The purpose will be two-fold. 1.) I'd like to have a vehicle for keeping in touch with family and friends. I feel a slight sense of loss since moving away from Georgia and then away from Hanover... and I'd like to fill it with my ramblings and random thoughts. Read or don't read...it's up to you Georgia and NH peeps. 2.) I'm on a craft/healthy living/creative cooking journey and I think my world needs to know about it. I'm obsessed...and I feel this is a good outlet for release. Once again...we'll see where this takes me.

Here is what I've got on my plate for the next few weeks:

1.) The parents are coming for a long-promised visit to Boston next week. Augusto and I are going to walk them all over this beautiful city, feed them until they can't see straight, and then send them back to Georgia content that I'm happy in my new home. I miss my parents every day so I can't wait to spend some good quality time with them.

2.) Augusto and I are signed up for a 5k on Thanksgiving morning. I try not to physically exert myself if at all possible and I'm pretty sure I can't run half a mile without stopping. So yeah...might want to start training for that. This fits into my whole new "healthy living" plan...I just have to get my butt in gear and get started. I got fitted for fancy new running shoes from Marathon Sports...time to break those babies in.

3.) On a crafty note: I bought a laminator. I have no idea why. Amazon had them on serious sale (regularly $80...I snagged it for $18) and I immediately thought, "I NEED one." I don't WHY I need one...I just do. It came in the mail today and I plan on laminating away this weekend. I can't wait. I'm gonna make labels for craft drawers, get started on some crafty-Christmas presents, and re-do some crappy labels I have in my office. I can't wait. Scotch Thermal Laminator...will you be my valentine?

That's all for now. Much love to you all.